The latest installment in the Hannah Swenson series follows Hannah as she prepares to marry Ross, while she is a contestant in the Food Channel’s dessert chef contest. Halfway through the novel, one of the celebrity chefs is found murdered. Hannah is soon on the case.
This is another enjoyable addition to the series. I enjoyed the parts where Hannah was in the cooking contest. I like to watch cooking competition shows, so this part of the novel was fun.
What I did not care for in this novel was Ross, Hannah’s fiancĂ©. Along the series, Hannah has dated Mike and Norman and hasn’t been able to make up her mind; she has not been ready to get married. Along the way, I have been rooting for her to pick Norman. He is a great guy who treats Hannah well and several times has helped her when she is trying to solve a murder.
Mike, while also a nice guy, hasn’t been as considerate of Hannah. Numerous times he will show up late at her house, expecting Hannah to cook for him. Inconsiderate! Especially considering how Hannah is a baker and needs to get up early to work at her cookie shop. He also discourages Hannah from trying to solve the murders that keep happening in their small town.
However, I would have been happier had she chosen one of these two guys over Ross. (Even if it had been Mike.) Ross seems to come out of nowhere, all the sudden Hannah is in love with this guy and ready to get married. I don’t trust him! Something is off. Along the way, Hannah finds her plane and hotel upgraded when she goes to the cooking show. Ross claims he is using frequent flier miles, but he seems shady. It makes you wonder if something else is really going on.
In on part of the book, the cooking show is moved up earlier and Hannah immediately calls a family member to let them know. Hannah’s family then questions her why Ross wasn’t the first person she called to tell the news. How is this not a red flag? Her fiancĂ© should be the first person that she should have wanted to take to. Hannah claims to not have wanted to bother him while he was at work. Lame. She just shouldn’t marry him.
I would definitely recommend checking out this entire series. It is a great light, mystery series. Plus, in each book you will find wonderful recipes between some of the chapters. Lake Eden, where Hannah lives, is a wonderful little town that makes you want to go there. It is filled with great characters along the way.
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