This novel is a fictional account based on the true events of a murder that occurred in Cedar Falls 1975. The novel is written from Jerry Mark’s view.
Jerry Mark was a Peace Corps volunteer, lawyer, 4-H leader, and vice-president of his Cedar Falls High School senior class. He was about the last person you would expect to murder his brother and family in cold blood. Jerry is jealous of his brother inheriting the family farm. He tells everybody that he is taking a motorcycle trip to find himself. He calls his girlfriend a few times and tells her where he is located. However, later the police find out that Jerry lied about his location when they are able to trace his phone calls. He is actually much closer to Iowa than he wants anybody to realize.
This novel is much darker than something I would normally read, but I chose this as part of the true crime genre while participating in the library’s 5-5-5 Challenge. (Read five different books from five genres that you normally do not read from.) The novel was well written, and kept your interest. It is horrifying to think that this really did happen, that a brother would murder his own brother out of jealousy and that he would also murder his sister-in-law and an innocent five year old and a 21 month old toddler.
You can decide for yourself if Jerry is guilty or innocent. However, the evidence presented in the book make a strong case against him. After reading this, you may want to go and hug your own children.
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