Thursday, December 6, 2018

Luckiest Girl Alive

Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll
 This novel follows Ani FaNelli as she was a teenager at a private school.  On alternating chapters it is present day and Ani is now in her late twenties, engaged, and has a glamorous life—or what appears to be a glamorous life as she is hiding a secret that happened to her when she was a teenager.
            I enjoyed the alternating chapters between high school Ani and present day Ani.  I normally do like when a novel does this, or splits between two characters in alternating chapters.  I think it keeps it more interesting. 

You ended up rooting for both high school Ani and present day Ani.  In high school, Ani has self-doubt and wants to be accepted by the popular kids.  In present day, she is trying to appear to be perfect.  She wants to marry her fiancé because he appears to be a good catch; he comes from a good family and she likes his last name.  She is careful how she acts around him and tries to be who he wants her to be.  She is on a brutal diet before her wedding because she wants to be as thin as possible for her wedding.  Personally, I hoped she would break up with her fiancé as he treats her like dirt; Ani, you can do better than that.

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