by Francine Pascal
Gaia is 17 years old and was born without the gene for fear. She has trained in different forms of karate, self defense and forms of combat and is very good at it. Her mother is dead and she hasn't seen her father in years. She lives in New York City with a friend of her father's and his wife.
In Gaia's spare time she seems to enjoy walking around the city, coming across as harmless, and then a mugger will try to attack her and she takes them down.
Along the way she makes a few friends, Ed, who is in a wheelchair; and some new enemies, Heather, who she spills coffee on and then finds out she kinda likes her boyfriend, Sam.
This was a fun first book. She is an interesting character. For some reason this reminded me of Christopher Pikes The Last Vampire/Thirst series. I really enjoyed that series, so that makes it promising to want to continue reading more of this series.
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