Saturday, January 26, 2019

Jane Eyre laid bare

Jane Eyre laid bare
by Eve Sinclair

Eve Sinclair does a retelling of the classic Jane Eyre novel.  Basically it's a smutty Jane Eyre, it has bits of the Jane Eyre story line and then goes off into a different direction.  

This book caught my eye because it said Jane Eyre on the cover and the cover was pretty.  It was basically what I expected, something trashy.  Basically if someone wrote a fan fiction of Jane Eyre and was able to get it published.  I'm guessing in the aftermath of Fifty Shades of Grey.  (Which if you like those kinds of novels, check out Sylvia Day.  She has those racy parts in her books, yet her books still had an actual story line.)

The original Jane Eyre is quite a bit better.

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